Andrew Lubinger

Andrew Lubinger

Welcome to my website where you will find information about me and my projects.

I am a fourth year Computer Science and Engineering student at The Ohio State University, with a software engineering specialization.
I am passionate for technology and software development and am eager to learn and create.
Currently, I am working as a Software Engineer Intern at MIM Software!
This past summer, I worked as a Software Engineer Intern at JPMorgan Chase & Co!

Top Projects:

WVU Involved:
Mobile app designed to increase student involvement at WVU while addressing pandemic-created issues by presenting organizations and events in a simple and familiar swiping format.

Motivating Reminders:
iOS reminders app with a focus on mental well-being.

Smart Pill Dispenser:
Physical device with a Ruby on Rails back end with scheduling, notification, and sensing features. Hack OHI/O 2019 - Third Place.

Andrew Lubinger